Thomas Jefferson Papers

Christoffel J. Brand to Thomas Jefferson, 10 April 1821

From Christoffel J. Brand

London April 10th 1821.


I have the honor to offer to you a copy of a treatise on the Rights of Colonies, which I beg you will condescend to accept as a mark of the highest respect and esteem, which I entertain for the Honorable Colleague of the ever memorable Washington.—Believe me Sir that in offering the said copy, I am only actuated by a sense of admiration for a Country, which from a colony elevated itself to the rank of a free and independant Nation, and which was the native Country, of a man, whose memory Shall be always dear to me, who has the honor to be a colonist,/: for I feel it a honor since Washington was such:/ and who, when returned to his dear Country, the Cape of Good Hope, shall never cease to look up to Washington, as a guide in my future life, and consecrate in my own heart the Memory of that great civil Reformist.—

Allow me Sir, to wish you all happiness and prosperity, and independence to the American Nation, and to subscribe myself, with the highest consideration and regard;

Sir, Your most Obedt humble and devoted Servant.

C. J. Brand.

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 21 June 1821 but recorded in SJL as received a day earlier. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Bernard Peyton, 10 July 1821, on recto and verso; addressed: “The Honorable Thomas Jefferson Late President &c &c &c of the United States of America.” Enclosure: Brand, Dissertatio Politico-Juridica de Jure Coloniarum (Leiden, 1820; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends 11 [no. 642]).

Christoffel Joseph Brand (1797–1875), attorney and public official, was born in Cape Colony, South Africa, the son of a Dutch colonial official. He read law in Cape Town before earning doctorates in law and letters at the University of Leiden. In 1821 Brand returned to Cape Colony, where he practiced law and in 1854 was elected to the colony’s first British parliament. He was immediately chosen its Speaker and held that position until his resignation due to illness in 1874 (Ralph Kilpin, The Old Cape House: Being pages from the History of a Legislative Assembly [(1918)], 97–112; Robert Ross, Status and Respectability in the Cape Colony, 1750–1870: A Tragedy of Manners [1999], 49–50).

On this day Brand addressed a similar letter and enclosure to James Madison (Madison, Papers, Retirement Ser., 2:300–1).

Index Entries

  • Brand, Christoffel Joseph; Dissertatio Politico-Juridica de Jure Coloniarum search
  • Brand, Christoffel Joseph; identified search
  • Brand, Christoffel Joseph; letter from search
  • Cape of Good Hope; residents of search
  • Dissertatio Politico-Juridica de Jure Coloniarum (C. J. Brand) search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Madison, James (1751–1836); works sent to search
  • Washington, George; praised search