Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Statement of Thomas Jefferson’s Bonds Payable to James Lyle, (1798–1850), 7 April 1821


Statement of Bonds Payable to James Lyle (1798–1850)

1806 Sterling
Nov. 23  To amo due on Bonds 5 & 6. at this date principal £ 410. 17. 8
To Interest on ditto till paid
To Balance of Interest due on ditto at this date 179. 13. 6
July 30 To Bond for Mrs Jefferson bearing Intr from 1 Sept 1771 94. 7.
To Intr on ditto till 19th April 1775 17. 2. 3
To Intr on ditto from 19th April 1783 till paid
To Mrs Jeffersons Bond assigned by Alligree due 6. Jany 1768 for £5.11.3 off Exchange of £17.9 is 4. 3. 6
To Interest on ditto till 6 Jany 1775. 1. 8. 0
To Intr on £4.3.6 from 6 Jany 1783 till paid
July 6 To Balance due on your Bond assigned by Harvie 94. 12. 4
To Interest on ditto from July 6 1811 till paid
due in Sterling    £

Errors Excepted Richmond 7th April 1821

Tarlton Saunders Agent
for James Lyles admr
PS  you will observe that the interest for 8 years during the war is not charged

MS (MHi); entirely in Saunders’s hand; subjoined to covering letter.

Index Entries

  • Allegre, Mr.; J. R. Jefferson’s debt to search
  • Harvie, Richard; and TJ’s debt to J. Lyle search
  • Henderson, McCaul & Company (Scottish firm); TJ’s debt to search
  • Jefferson, Jane Randolph (TJ’s mother); debt of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to Henderson, McCaul & Company search
  • Lyle, James (1726–1812); agent for Henderson, McCaul & Company search
  • Lyle, James (1798–1850); as administrator of estate of J. Lyle (1726–1812) search
  • Lyle, James (1798–1850); Statement of Bonds Payable to James Lyle search
  • Saunders, Tarlton; and TJ’s debt to Henderson, McCaul & Company search