Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Recommendations for Constantine S. Rafinesque, [ca. 3] April 1821


Recommendations for Constantine S. Rafinesque


In favor of Profr C. S. Rafinesque

Profr C. S. Rafinesque was elected Member of the Royal Institute of Naples in 1814.

Of the Italian Academy of Arts & Sciences in 1815.

Of the Literary & Philosophical Society of New york, in 1816.

Of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia in 1816.

Of the Historical Society of Newyork in 1817.

Of the Lyceum of Natural history of Newyork in 1817. Being one of the Founders & framers of this Institution

Of the Medical Societies of Lexington and Cincinnati in 1819.

Of the American Antiquarian Society in 1820.

C. S. Rafinesque reckons in the number of his friends and Correspondents—

In Europe.

Chevalier Cuvier of Paris—

Mr Bory St. Vincent of the french Academy.

Mess. Blainville, Noel, Geoffroy &c of Paris

Prof. Decandolle of Geneva, the first Botanist of the Contint

Prof. Delille of Montpellier.—

Mess Vanmons & Drapiez of Bruxelles.

Mess. Swainson of Liverpool.

Dr. Leach of the British Museum the best naturalist in England

Prof. Gravenhorst of Breslaw—

Prof. Shultze of Bavaria—

Prof. Romer of Zurich—

Mr. Moricand of Geneva.

Prof. Savi of Pisa.

Profrs Jacquin & Schreber of Vienna. &c &c


In America

Prof. S. L. Mitchill of Newyork

Dr. John Torrey of Newyork. Viceprest of the Lyceum

Governor Dewitt Clinton

Zaccheus Collins Esqr Viceprest of the Academy.

Mess. Haines, Ord, Dr. Mease &c; of Philadelphia

Prof. Hall & Mr Hayden of Baltimore

Stephen Elliot Esqr Prest of the philosophical Society of Charleston &c &c

Extracts from a Testimonial Letter of the Lyceum of Newyork—

It is our opinion that the said C. S. Rafinesque is a learned and distinguished Naturalist. His zeal & Science are of a very high order. His manners are modest and unassuming. We entertain a well grounded expectation that this Gentleman will greatly enlarge our knowledge in Natural Sciences. &c

Newyork 6th April 1818.

Extract of a Letter from Dr. Leach to C. S. R.

I was utterly unacquainted with your excellent little Work (Precis des Découvertes) when I Saw it at Cuvier’s (when I was last in Paris) with your other works—I Send you Some of my Works—I detest as well as you the imperfect and artificial System of the great Linneus, you deserve credit for introducing the natural methods in America &c

London 15th Septr 1818—

Extract of a Letter from Cuvier (translation)

I have been much pleased to find in your Works, many new Animals, and some which I thought new, although you had detected them before me. I have also found that you have noticed before me many generic and subgeneric Differences—I shall not fail to avail myself of this & the Accounts you give me &c

Paris 28 April 1818.

Extract of a Letter from Decandolle (translation[)]

You will See in my Species plantarum that I have rendered due justice to your discoveries whenever they were known to me—Acquaint me with your new discoveries & I will avail myself of them. &c

Geneva 6th May 1818.—

Extract of a Letter from W. Swainson

I like your Annals of Nature exceedingly, I approve much of the plan and execution.—I Send you many plants fossils, Shells &c—and Prof. Hooker of Glasgow has Sent me a fine collection of plants for you—&c

Liverpool June 1820.—


Extract of a Letter from St. Elliot.

It will give me great Satisfaction to maintain with you not a casual correspondence, but a steady & friendly intercourse, from which I hope to derive much pleasure & knowledge.1 I feel duly Sensible for the favorable opinion you have expressed of my Botany of the Southern States. I am anxious to See your Annals of Nature, Set me down as a Subscriber to it and every other work which you may publish. I shall be much obliged to you for hints, notes & any assistance, that Shall make my work more correct & valuable &c

Charleston 11 July 1817.

Sketch of Prof. Rafinesque’s Collections—

His Library consists in about 1000 Select Volumes on Physics, Chemistry, Natural history, Botany, Mineralogy, Philosophy, Travels & Miscellaneous Works, in Latin, English, french, Italian &c2

His Herbarium Contains already about 12000 Specimens, belonging to about 2000 American species & 1000 European or exotic Species, and is increasing every year.

His Natural Collection consists in about 2000 Specimens of Shells, fossil remains, Minerals, Insects Polyps & other zoological Subjects, mostly American.—

C. S. R. 

MS (MHi); entirely in Rafinesque’s hand; edge trimmed; partially dated.

1Omitted period at right margin editorially supplied.

2Preceding six words added in margin and interlined.

Index Entries

  • American Antiquarian Society; members of search
  • Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de search
  • Bory de St. Vincent, Jean Baptiste G. M.; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Charleston, S.C.; learned societies in search
  • Cincinnati Medical Society; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Clinton, DeWitt; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Collins, Zaccheus; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Cuvier, Georges; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Delile, Alire Raffeneau; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Drapiez, Pierre Auguste Joseph; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Elliott, Stephen; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, Étienne; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Christian search
  • Haines, Reuben; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Hall, John Elihu; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Hayden, Horace H.; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Italy; Academy of Arts and Sciences search
  • Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph, baron von; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Leach, William Elford; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Lexington Medical Society (Lexington, Ky.) search
  • Lyceum of Natural History of New-York search
  • Mease, James; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Mitchill, Samuel Latham; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Moricand, Moïse Étienne (Stephano); and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Naples, kingdom of (later Kingdom of the Two Sicilies); Royal Institute of Naples search
  • New York (state); Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York search
  • New York (state); Lyceum of Natural History of New-York search
  • New-York Historical Society; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Noël de la Morinière, Simon Barthélemy Joseph; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Ord, George; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Philadelphia; Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia search
  • Précis des Découvertes et Travaux Somiologiques de Mr. C. S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz (C. S. Rafinesque) search
  • Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel; natural history collections of search
  • Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel; Précis des Découvertes et Travaux Somiologiques de Mr. C. S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz search
  • Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel; recommendations for search
  • Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel; works of search
  • Roemer (Römer), Johann Jakob; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Savi, Paolo; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Schulze, Gottlob Ernst; and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Swainson, William; as reference for C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Torrey, John (1796–1873); and C. S. Rafinesque search
  • Van Mons, Jean Baptiste search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; faculty applicants search