Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 3 [April] 1821

To Bernard Peyton

Monticello Mar. [Apr.] 3. 21


Jefferson’s absence in Bedford has rendered it impossible to send you the inclosed till this moment for want of his endorsemt. I hope they will still get to your hands in time for renewal. ever & affectionately yours.

Th Jefferson

PoC (MHi); misdated; on verso of left half of reused address cover of Joel Yancey to TJ, 22 Dec. 1820; endorsed by TJ as a letter of “3 <Mar.> Apr.” 1821. Recorded in SJL as a letter of 3 Apr. 1821. Enclosures not found.

TJ was hampered by the absence of his grandson Thomas Jefferson Randolph.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business &amp; Financial Affairs; T. J. Randolph endorses notes for search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s bank notes search
  • Peyton, Bernard; letters to search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); and TJ’s financial transactions search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); endorses bank notes search