Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Clarke to Thomas Jefferson, 2 April 1821

From James Clarke

Bellnemus April 2d 1821—

Venerable Friend—

Through some neglect in the post offices your letters of the 19 Jany and 22d Feby both came to hand the first of last week only—or I should sooner have had the pleasure of supplying the part lost from your Odometer

I now send herewith, a case containing the rod with the wheels (from the same moulds) already fixed, and have directed it to the care of the postmaster in Milton

If the rod should prove not to be precisely of the right length, your Smith with a little of your instructions can very easily adjust it—

please Sir, accept the highest respect & esteem of Your Obedt and huml Servt

James Clarke

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 4 Apr. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

TJ’s missing letter to Clarke of 22 Mar. 1821 (not 22d feby) is recorded in SJL with the notation: “dupl. of Jan. 19.

Index Entries

  • blacksmiths; at Monticello search
  • carriages; odometers for search
  • Clarke, James (of Powhatan Co.); letters from search
  • Clarke, James (of Powhatan Co.); letter to accounted for search
  • Clarke, James (of Powhatan Co.); odometer of search
  • Milton, Va.; postmaster at search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); blacksmiths at search
  • odometers search