Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas M. Hall to Thomas Jefferson, 1 April 1821

From Thomas M. Hall

Philadelphia 1st april 1821


I understand that the appointment of Professors in the Central University of Virginia is about to take place, and I take the liberty of offering myself as a candidate for the chair of Chemistry in that institution.

Aware of the importance of this station, I have not neglected to collect such testimonials in relation to my qualifications as I hope will be satisfactory. I have to request that you will submit them to the consideration of those gentlemen by whom the selection is to be made.

Very respectfully

Your obet Sevt

Thos M. Hall M.D.

RC (CSmH: JF); endorsed by TJ as received 11 Apr. 1821 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosures not found.

Thomas M. Hall, physician, received an honorary degree in physic from the University of Maryland in 1820. He practiced medicine that year in Philadelphia and by 1824 was working in Milledgeville, Georgia (American Medical Recorder 3 [1820]: 296; Edward Whitey, The Philadelphia Directory and Register, for 1820 [Philadelphia, (1820)]; Milledgeville Georgia Journal, 25 May 1824).

Index Entries

  • chemistry; applicants to teach at University of Virginia search
  • Hall, Thomas M.; identified search
  • Hall, Thomas M.; letters from search
  • Hall, Thomas M.; seeks professorship search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of application and recommendation to search
  • patronage; letters of application and recommendation to TJ search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; faculty applicants search