Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Andrew Cock, 9 March 1821

To Andrew Cock

Monticello Mar. 9. 21.

Th Jefferson acknoleges the reciept of mr Cock’s favor of Feb. 14. and, past attention himself to the pursuits to which it relates he makes the best disposition of it in his power by delivering it to the Secretary of the Agricultural society of this quarter presided by mr Madison, who will doubtless avail themselves of the communication he has been so kind as to make. [he] prays him to accept his respectful salutations.

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Joel Yancey to TJ, 14 Jan. 1821; dateline at foot of text; one word faint; endorsed by TJ.

Peter Minor was the secretary of the Agricultural Society of Albemarle.

Index Entries

  • Agricultural Society of Albemarle; TJ forwards letter to search
  • Cock, Andrew; and Agricultural Society of Albemarle search
  • Cock, Andrew; drill of search
  • Cock, Andrew; letter to search
  • Minor, Peter; and Agricultural Society of Albemarle search