Thomas Jefferson Papers

Memorandum from Ann Bacon to Thomas Jefferson on Turkeys Raised, 7 March 1821

Memorandum from Ann Bacon on Turkeys Raised

March 7th 1821—

Memorandom of Turkeys raised and sent to the house 1820. 15 Turkeys was sent to the house one half is Mr Jeffersons1

1821. twelve is deliverd and two yet Remains to be sent up when ever requier’d two was cripled in catching them and died of this years raising2

I am yours &c.

Ann Bacon

MS (MHi); in Bacon’s hand; at foot of text, adjacent to dateline: “Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ: “Bacon mrs 7.75 D Mar. 7. pd cash.”

Ann Simmons Bacon (ca. 1783–1824) was a native of Albemarle County. She married TJ’s overseer Edmund Bacon in 1802 and moved with him to Kentucky in 1823, where she died. In his financial records TJ lists payments to her for weaving in 1809 and 1810 and for turkeys in 1815 (Edmund Bacon to TJ, [before 1 Aug. 1820], 22 Aug. 1824; MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1248, 1252, 1306; Eurie Pearl Wilford Neel, The Wilford-Williford Family Treks into America [1959], 434).

1In right margin adjacent to this line, TJ wrote “7½.”

2In right margin adjacent to this line, TJ wrote “8.”

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Ann Simmons (Edmund Bacon’s wife); and turkeys search
  • Bacon, Ann Simmons (Edmund Bacon’s wife); identified search
  • Bacon, Ann Simmons (Edmund Bacon’s wife); Memorandum on Turkeys Raised search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); turkeys at search
  • turkeys; purchased by TJ search
  • women; documents by; A. Bacon search