Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Theodorus Bailey, 14 February 1821

To Theodorus Bailey

Monticello Feb. 14. 21.

I am very thankful to you, dear Sir, for the trouble you have been so good as to take with my letter addressed to George Jones. on recurring to his original, to which mine was an answer, I think it very possible I may have read amiss the cypher subscribed to it. it may perhaps be George Long, or some other signature better known in New York. if you cannot decypher truly the signature, then throw this, that, and the detained letter into the fire as not worth further investigation[.] I often recieve letters with signatures totally undecypherable, which of course I am obliged to put by without answering. but I thought I had guessed rightly at this. it has at least given me the pleasure of renewing to you the assurance of my constant friendship and respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of portion of reused address cover to TJ; edge trimmed; at foot of text: “Theodorus Bailey esq.”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: George Long (ca. 1782–1843) to TJ, 20 Dec. 1820, not found (see note to TJ to Long, 30 Dec. 1820).

Index Entries

  • Bailey, Theodorus; letters to search
  • Bailey, Theodorus; postmaster in New York City search
  • Long, George (ca.1782–1843); and misaddressed letter to search