Thomas Jefferson Papers

Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, 28 January 1821

From Edmund Bacon

Jany 28th 21


Inclosed is the two papers of accts to merely ask the favour if you will look over them and see if you dont discover a small mistake

You will find at the bottom of the acct of November 12th 1817. Your acknowlegement of 1102.09 D due on the 22nd of september past. and that on the 31st of December ensueing thare was 145. D 18 C Interest makeing of principal and Interest 1247. D 27 C

on the last acct the amount of 1102.09 is set down to become due at the 31st of Decr at the time named for the 145. D 18 C Interest to be due this as I understand it takes from me the Interest on the 1102$ from 22nd of Sepr untill the 31st of Decer ensueing. perhaps I may not understand it right. but as stated above is the way I do understand it. and I no you will do it right. I tharefore send both accts to you to examin and will Call in the forenoon tomorrow

I am yours &C

E Bacon

RC (ViU: TJP-ER); dateline between closing and signature; addressed (torn): “[. . .] Jefferson Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 28 Jan. 1821. Enclosures not found.

Bacon recorded settling his account with TJ on this day, noting that “the 1st of this present month the sum of $634.71” was due from TJ (ViU: Bacon Memorandum Book, 1802–22).

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Edmund; letters from search
  • Bacon, Edmund; TJ’s account with search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with E. Bacon search