Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Clarke to Thomas Jefferson, 1 September [1820]

From James Clarke

powhatan county, Septr 1st 1818 [1820]

Dear Sir

By the advice, and persuation of several Gentlemen who are anxious to get an Odometer like mine, I have at length concluded to take a pattent, and establish a manufactory of them.

As you have had one of them in use many years, I’ll thank you for your opinion of them, as to accuracy, Simplicity, and durability; whether it incommodes, or disfigures a carriage. And, whether you believe the plan to be original, or whether you ever saw, or heard of one in Europe or America upon the same plan, previous to the adoption of mine—And be pleased Sir, to accept the highest respect, and veneration of your obedt Servt

James Clarke

RC (DLC: TJ Papers, 213:38078); evidently misdated; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 1 Sept. 1820 received three days later and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • carriages; odometers for search
  • Clarke, James (of Powhatan Co.); letters from search
  • Clarke, James (of Powhatan Co.); odometer of search
  • inventions; odometer search
  • odometers search
  • patents; of J. Clarke search