Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Josiah Meigs, 13 August 1820

To Josiah Meigs

Monticello Aug. 13. 20.

Dear Sir

In answer to your enquiry as to the proper mode of1 application for a Professorship in the University of Virginia? I can only say we are not yet advanced to the point where Professors will be wanting. our whole funds are applied to the comp[le]tion of our buildings, and when they will become liberated from that so as to enable us to employ Professors is quite uncertain.   I am very sensible of your kind and friendly expressions towards myself. the approbation of the good & wise is the balm of retiring life, and the supposition that we may not have lived in vain is it’s richest consolation. should your convenience ever bring you into this quarter and to Monticello particularly, it would be a great gratification to have an opportunity of assuring you personally of my great esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of John Hollins to TJ, 14 Apr. 1820; one word faint; at foot of text: “Josiah Meigs esquire”; endorsed by TJ. Tr (Mrs. Howard B. Field, Durham Center, Conn., 1944).

1Instead of preceding two words, Tr reads “of ap of.”

Index Entries

  • Meigs, Josiah; and University of Virginia faculty search
  • Meigs, Josiah; letters to search
  • Meigs, Josiah; TJ invites to Monticello search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; progress of search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; opening of search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; faculty applicants search