Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Morgan, 7 July 1820

To Benjamin Morgan

Monticello July 7. 20.

Dear Sir

On the preceding page is the copy of a letter I took the liberty of addressing to you at it’s date and of forwarding to N.1 Orleans. learning since that that you are in Philadelphia I send a duplicate; for altho’ no longer in the place where enquiry can be made, yet possibly you may be able to give of your own knolege some answer to the enquiries. I repeat to you the assurances of my friendship and respect

Th: Jefferson

RC (L-M: Miscellaneous Manuscripts and Modern Ephemera); with enclosure on verso; addressed: “Benjamin Morgan esq. now in Philadelphia”; franked; postmarked Charlottesville, 8 July; endorsed by Morgan as received 11 (reworked from 12) July 1820 and answered the following day. PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; edge trimmed; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: Dupl of TJ to Morgan and Thomas B. Robertson, 26 May 1820.

1PoC: “New.”

Index Entries

  • Morgan, Benjamin; letters to search
  • Morgan, Benjamin; TJ sends duplicate of letter to search