Thomas Jefferson Papers

Bernard Glenn to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1820

From Bernard Glenn

South Carolina Union District June 20th 1820

Honble Sir

I beg leave to address you, on a subject, Relitive to the war, worn, Officers and Soldiers of Virginia of the Revolutionary war, on State establishment, and Solicite what information you may think proper to give me, on the leading and preceeding errors, which occasion’d the Officers & Soldiers of Virginia on State establishment from Locateing their military Land warrants, and obtaining their Lands, promised them, by the General Assembly of the State of Virginia—

For some cause I have been barred from Locateing my Military Land warrant ever sence Kentucky has become a seperate State from the State of Virginia, I have waited with Sympathy a number of years for the Honble Congress, of the United States, to rectify the preceeding errors, (but in vain,) I solicite your Opinion whether you, think, that those warrants aluded to above, will be Valid, and be Suffered to be Located, or become Nugatary and of no account—or whether the State of Virginia, will not in Justice make Remuneration, to the War worn Officers and Soldiers of the Revolution, any Information you should think proper to give me will be thankfully, received and remain in confidence with an Officer of the Revolution—

I am, Dear Sir, with sentiments of esteem, and respects your Mot Obt Servt

Bernd Glenn

P.S. if you should be so good as to write me, direct to me Wrightsboro, Union District South Carolina

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 6 July 1820 from Wrightsboro, S.C., and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Joseph C. Cabell, 3 Jan. 1822, on verso; addressed: “Honble Thomas Jefferson Esqr near Charlotteville State of Virginia Albermarle County” by “Mail”; stamped; postmarked Wrightsboro, 21 June.

Bernard Glenn (1757–1831), planter and public official, was a native of Virginia. A low-ranking officer in the Virginia militia “on State establishment” during the Revolutionary War, after hostilities ended Virginia awarded him a military land warrant for 2,666 acres on the Cumberland River in what would later become the state of Kentucky. Following its admission into the Union in 1792, however, Kentucky prohibited the location within its boundaries of land warrants issued by any other state. Although Glenn took his case to Congress in 1802, his claim was apparently not honored during his lifetime, either at the federal or state level. Having relocated permanently during the 1780s to Union County, South Carolina, he served as a justice of the peace and sat in the state’s House of Representatives for five consecutive terms, 1806–15. Glenn owned seven slaves in 1800, twenty-nine in 1820, and thirty-six in 1830. Shortly after his death his personal estate was valued at just over $18,000 (BDSCHR description begins Walter B. Edgar and others, eds., Biographical Directory of the South Carolina House of Representatives, 1974– , 5 vols. description ends , 4:235; John H. Gwathmey, Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution [1938], 311; JHR description begins Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States description ends , 4:256 [21 Dec. 1802]; ASP, Public Lands, 1:119; DNA: RG 29, CS, S.C., Union District/Co., 1800–30; Union Co. Probate Court records; gravestone in Rice Cemetery, Union Co.).

Index Entries

  • American Revolution; and Va. land warrants search
  • Congress, U.S.; and Va. land warrants search
  • Glenn, Bernard; and Va. land warrants search
  • Glenn, Bernard; identified search
  • Glenn, Bernard; letter from search
  • Kentucky; and Va. land grants search
  • military; and Va. land warrants search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; land claims of veterans from search