Thomas Jefferson Papers

Samuel Garland to Thomas Jefferson, 15 June 1820

From Samuel Garland

Lynchburg June 15th 1820


You have heard no doubt, that the Copartnership of Mess. A Robertson & Co was disolved on the 31st of August last—

Your bond to them on a divission of the debts &a has fallen to me in right of Mr B Miller the foreign partner, all of whose debts at this place have been put into my hands as attorney for collection, I shall be happy to hear from you on this subject stating particularly when I may expect payment—my instructions are preremptory to close the collections with all dispatch—

Respectfully Yr. obt. St.

S, Garland

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 22 June 1820 from “E.” Garland and so recorded (with initial corrected to “S.”) in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Garland, 13 July 1820, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson esqr Monticello Charlottesville”; stamped; postmarked Lynchburg, 16 June.

Samuel Garland (1789–1861), attorney and plantation owner, was a native of Albemarle County who relocated by 1813 to Lynchburg, where he served in the county militia during the War of 1812 and established a legal practice. During his long and successful business career, he lived in a mansion on Garland Hill, supported railway expansion into the western part of the state, and was a founding trustee of the Lynchburg Manufacturing Company, which was incorporated in 1829 for the purpose of making fabric from cotton, flax, hemp, and wool. Although Garland owned relatively few slaves in Virginia, he deployed hundreds at three plantations he operated in the state of Mississippi during the latter part of his life. Virginia census records credit him with real estate worth $50,000 in 1850 and real estate and personal property valued at $27,000 a decade later. Estate inventories taken shortly after his death in Coahoma County, Mississippi, indicate that Garland’s holdings there were worth far more than the latter figure (Woods, Albemarle description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. 1991 description ends , 199; DNA: RG 15, W1812PAFI; TJ to Archibald Robertson, 23 May 1815; S. Allen Chambers Jr., Lynchburg: An Architectural History [1981], 114; Richmond Enquirer, 30 Mar. 1832, 23 Oct. 1835; William Asbury Christian, Lynchburg and Its People [1900], 91–2; Acts of Assembly description begins Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia (cited by session; title varies over time) description ends [1828–29 sess.], 118–9 [9 Feb. 1829]; DNA: RG 29, CS, Lynchburg, 1820, 1840–50, 1850 slave schedules, Campbell Co., 1860; Lynchburg Hustings and Corporation Court Will Book, E:65–7, 106–10; gravestone inscription in Presbyterian Cemetery, Lynchburg; Southeastern Reporter 4 [1887/88]: 334–9).

Index Entries

  • A. Robertson & Company (firm); dissolution of search
  • A. Robertson & Company (firm); TJ’s debt to search
  • Garland, Samuel; and TJ’s debt to A. Robertson & Company search
  • Garland, Samuel; identified search
  • Garland, Samuel; letters from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to A. Robertson & Company search
  • Miller, Boyd; and TJ’s debt to A. Robertson & Company search