Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on his Account with Patrick Gibson, [ca. 22 May 1820]

Notes on Account with Patrick Gibson

[ca. 22 May 1820]

a view of the quarterly balances
  in favor of mr Gibson     in favor of Th:J.
D   c
1814. July  1.    752. 29 1814. Jan. 1.    1123. 54
1815. Apr. 1. 759. 10 1815. Jan. 1. 54. 76
Sep. 1. 196. 76
1816.  Feb. 1. 1611. 92
Sep. 1. 878. 91
1817. Jan. 1. 942. 57
Apr. 1. 56. 13 1817. July 1. 662. 19
Oct. 1. 53. 87
1818. Jan. 1. 81. 02
1818. July 1. 225. 25 Apr. 1. 1240. 32
10. 375. 25
1819[.] [Feb.] 8. 724. 15
[Ma]y  10. 349. 83 1819. June  23. 1339. 85
Oct. 1. 572. 75
Dec. 9. 806. 79 1820.  Feb. 22. 109. 57
8108. 411 Mar. 31. 636. 41
May 16. 611. 49
6055. 91

sums of interest paid on mr G’s advances

1816. Feb. 1. 26.26
Aug. 4. 46.98
Dec. 31. 26.21
1817. Jan. 17. 3.40
June  15. 11.56
1819. Feb. 8. 6.36
May 10. 6.97
Dec. 9. 8.86
1820.  Feb. 22. 10.48

PoC (DLC); on reused address cover to TJ, with PoC of covering letter on verso; in TJ’s hand; undated; torn and damaged at seal, with one number rewritten by TJ.

1The correct figure is $8,108.81.

Index Entries

  • Gibson, Patrick; account with TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; TJ’s Notes on Account with search
  • interest; TJ’s calculations of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on Account with Patrick Gibson search