Thomas Sewall to Thomas Jefferson, 30 March 1820
From Thomas Sewall
Washington City March 30th 1820
Dear Sir
When the accompanying letter, seeds & pamphlet of Dr Mitchill, were handed me, I anticipated the pleasure of visiting you at your seat in Virginia, but on my arrival in this place, several circumstances occurred to prevent. I placed the package in the hands of a friend, with directions to have it sent by some careful conveyance to you. But on my return to Washington a few weeks since, I found the package still here. As it is still out of my power to visit Monticello, I enclose the package by Mail, that you may get it in time to dispose of the seeds the present season.
Be pleased to accept the two small papers of mine I send you, the one on Diseases of the Pancreas, & the other Experiments on Cutaneous absorption. They were published in 1812 in the New England Journal of Medicine & afterward in the London Medical & Physical Journal.
I have recently removed to this city & commenced the practice of Medicine under the patronage of a few gentlemen of1 distinction & of letters. It has been suggested to me that a line of introduction, from you to some of your friends in Washington, would be of the greatest use in facilitating my introduction to business. Should you feel2 at liberty on the authority of the letters accompanying this to give me a line of introduction, to the Honl H. Nelson or any of your other friends in the city, I should esteem it the greatest favour. I beg you would excuse the liberty I take in making this request. I have been encouraged to do it from a belief that you have ever been the patron of Science & of young adventurers in scientifick pursuits.
I will request you to enclose to me the letters & certificates which accompany this as it may be of importance to me to retain them.
With a hope that the evening of that life which has been devoted to the good of man, may be long serene & happy.
Tho. Sewall
RC (MHi); addressed: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Monticello Virginia”; endorsed by TJ as received 9 Apr. 1820, but recorded in SJL as received two days earlier. Enclosures: (1) Samuel L. Mitchill to TJ, 21 May 1819, and enclosures. (2) Sewall, “Extract of an Inaugural Dissertation on the Functions and Diseases of the Pancreas,” New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery 2 (1813): 20–5 (republished under a variant title in Medical and Physical Journal 31 [1814]: 94–9). (3) Sewall, “Experiments and Observations on Cutaneous Absorption,” New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery 2 (1813): 30–2 (republished under a variant title in Medical and Physical Journal 31 [1814]: 80–1). (4) Letters and certificates of recommendation for Sewall, not found.
1. Preceding four words interlined.
2. Manuscript: “feell.”
Index Entries
- Experiments and Observations on Cutaneous Absorption (T. Sewall) search
- Extract of an Inaugural Dissertation on the Functions and Diseases of the Pancreas (T. Sewall) search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction from search
- Medical and Physical Journal search
- medicine; works on, forwarded to TJ search
- Mitchill, Samuel Latham; sends seeds to TJ search
- Mitchill, Samuel Latham; sends works to TJ search
- Nelson, Hugh; introduction to requested search
- New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery search
- seeds; sent to TJ search
- Sewall, Thomas; and seeds for TJ search
- Sewall, Thomas; Experiments and Observations on Cutaneous Absorption search
- Sewall, Thomas; Extract of an Inaugural Dissertation on the Functions and Diseases of the Pancreas search
- Sewall, Thomas; letter from search
- Sewall, Thomas; plans to visit Monticello search
- Sewall, Thomas; requests letter of introduction from TJ search