Thomas Jefferson to Edward Ingersoll, 23 March 1820
To Edward Ingersoll
M[o]nticello Mar. 23. 20.
Your favor with a statement of my debt for the Analectic Magazine is at hand. the former on the same subject should not have been unanswered but that being informed by mr Gray of Fredsbg that he was one of the agents for that publication and having an account with him, I took for granted he would answer it to you & place it in our acct. I now inclose you 6.D. in Virginia bills (having none others here) which I hope will get safe to hand with the assurance of my great respect.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of John Vaughan to TJ, 24 May 1819; dateline faint; at foot of text: “Mr G. Ingersoll”; endorsed by TJ as a letter to “Ingersoll G.” and so recorded (with additional parenthetical notation: “6.D.”) in SJL.
The former statement of TJ’s account was likely a letter from Ingersoll to TJ of July 1819, not found but recorded in SJL as received 4 Aug. 1819 from 159 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Two days after writing this letter, TJ recorded sending $5 to the publisher Hezekiah Niles to pay for a year of the Baltimore Niles’ Weekly Register ( , 2:1363). A missing letter from TJ to Niles of 25 Mar. 1820 is recorded (with additional parenthetical notation: “5.D.”) in SJL, as is a missing 30 Mar. 1820 response from Niles, recorded as received 4 Apr. 1820 from Baltimore.
Index Entries
- Baltimore, Md.; newspapers search
- currency; paper search
- Gray, William Fairfax; as subscription agent search
- Ingersoll, Edward; editsAnalectic Magazine search
- Ingersoll, Edward; letter from accounted for search
- Ingersoll, Edward; letter to search
- Ingersoll, Edward; TJ pays search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; and newspaper subscriptions search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; subscriptions search
- newspapers; BaltimoreNiles’ Weekly Register search
- Niles, Hezekiah; andNiles’ Weekly Register search
- Niles, Hezekiah; letters from accounted for search
- Niles, Hezekiah; letters to accounted for search
- Niles, Hezekiah; TJ pays search
- Niles’ Weekly Register (Baltimore newspaper) search
- subscriptions, for publications; journals search
- subscriptions, for publications; newspapers search
- The Analectic Magazine search