Thomas Jefferson Papers

Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 24 February 1820

From Joseph C. Cabell

Senate Chamber 24th Feb: 1820.

Dear Sir,

The enclosed Bill has this moment passed into a law. The House of Delegates having first rejected the amendment of the Senate for $80,000: and then that for $40,000—and having postponed the whole bill on 22d; Genl Breckenridge, mr Johnson & myself, had a consultation and agreed that the interests of the Institution would be promoted by the Bill now enclosed. Our friend mr Gordon had already moved for leave to bring in a bill, and was in the midst of an animated discussion, when mr Johnson & myself1 got to the House. We prevailed on him to withdraw his motion, to make way for the introduction of the subject by Genl Breckenridge, who we supposed not being from the local district, would have more influence with the House. The Bill went thro’ this morning with but little opposition. We hope we have taken the course which yourself & the other Visitors will approve, considering the circumstances in which we were placed. The University is popular in the Senate, and unpopular in the House of Delegates. I hope the President & Directors of the Lit: Fund, or the Board of public Works will be able to lend us the money, but upon this point I cannot speak positively. An immediate meeting of the Visitors is necessary. On 29th new Visitors are to be appointed. I shall ask the Governor to bring on the appointment speedily, and if the old Visitors should be reappointed, I shall propose to Genl B, & mr Johnson to proceed directly to monticello; & I would take Genl Cocke along with me from Bremo. I am Dr Sir faithfully yours,

Joseph C. Cabell.

RC (ViU: TJP-PC); endorsed by TJ as received 27 Feb. 1820 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to John Vaughan, 9 Apr. 1820, on verso; addressed: “Mr Jefferson Monticello”; franked; postmarked.

The enclosed bill, “An Act authorizing the Visitors of the University of Virginia to borrow money for finishing the buildings thereof,” stated that “the Visitors of the University of Virginia shall be and they are hereby authorized, for the purpose of finishing the buildings thereof, to borrow from any of the Banks of this Commonwealth, or from any other person, body politic or corporate any sum of money not exceeding sixty thousand dollars, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, and to pledge for the payment of the interest, and redemption of the principal, of the money so borrowed, any part of the annual appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars heretofore made by law to the said University. Provided that the aforesaid pledge shall not extend to the Commonwealth or beyond the aforesaid annual appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars” (Tr in ViU: TJP, in Cabell’s hand, endorsed by TJ: “Act for loan of 60,000,D.”; printed in Acts of Assembly description begins Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia (cited by session; title varies over time) description ends [1819–20 sess.], 14).

On 21 Feb. 1820 the Virginia house of delegates resumed debating “an act to amend an act, entitled, an act to reduce into one act the several acts concerning the Literary Fund,” along with the amendment to that bill proposed by the Senate. The House returned the bill to the Senate that same day with further amendments that reduced the allocation for the University of Virginia from $80,000 to $42,531.19 and provided that any surplus in the Literary Fund be used to educate the poor. The following day the Senate sent the bill back to the House of Delegates, agreeing to the reduction of funds for the university but not to the amendment disbursing funds for the education of the poor, at which point the House of Delegates tabled the bill until after the close of the session (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia description ends [1819–20 sess.], 199, 200, 203).

Following Delegate James Breckinridge’s introduction of the subject of authorizing the University of Virginia to borrow money on 23 Feb. 1820, a House committee to draft a bill to this effect was created, consisting of Breckenridge, George William Crump, of Cumberland County, Richard Graves, of New Kent County, William Byrd Chamberlayne, of Henrico County, William F. Gordon and Charles Everette, of Albemarle County, William C. Rives, of Nelson County, Branch T. Archer and Thomas Miller, of Powhatan County, and Charles Yancey, of Buckingham County (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia description ends [1819–20 sess.], 206; Leonard, General Assembly description begins Cynthia Miller Leonard, comp., The General Assembly of Virginia, July 30, 1619–January 11, 1978: A Bicentennial Register of Members, 1978 description ends , 298–300). The bill cleared both the House of Delegates and the Senate a day later (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia description ends [1819–20 sess.], 207, 209).

1Preceding four words interlined in place of “we.”

Index Entries

  • An Act authorizing the Visitors of the University of Virginia to borrow money for finishing the buildings thereof (1820) search
  • Archer, Branch Tanner; as Va. legislator search
  • Breckinridge (Breckenridge), James; as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors search
  • Breckinridge (Breckenridge), James; as Va. legislator search
  • Cabell, Joseph Carrington; and funding for University of Virginia search
  • Cabell, Joseph Carrington; as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors search
  • Cabell, Joseph Carrington; as Va. state senator search
  • Cabell, Joseph Carrington; letters from search
  • Chamberlayne, William Byrd; as Va. legislator search
  • Cocke, John Hartwell (1780–1866); as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors search
  • Crump, George William; as Va. legislator search
  • Everette, Charles; as Va. legislator search
  • Gordon, William Fitzhugh; as Va. legislator search
  • Graves, Richard; as Va. legislator search
  • Johnson, Chapman; as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors search
  • Johnson, Chapman; as Va. state senator search
  • Literary Fund; and General Assembly search
  • Literary Fund; and loan for University of Virginia search
  • Miller, Thomas (of Powhatan Co.); as Va. legislator search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); as governor of Va. search
  • Rives, William Cabell; as Va. legislator search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; funding for search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; meetings of search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; members of search
  • Virginia; Board of Public Works search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; House of Delegates search
  • Virginia; Senate search
  • Yancey, Charles (1770–1857); as Va. legislator search