Thomas Jefferson Papers

Allen & Bryant to Thomas Jefferson, [received 18 February 1820]

From Allen & Bryant

[received 18 Feb. 1820]

Allen & Bryant take the liberty to present compliments to the Honourable Mr Jefferson—and they shall do themselves the honour to present him with the Life of Napoleon Bounaparte, when publishedHis known readiness to encourage American productions, has indused them to solicit the, influance of his distinguished Name, to their subscription

They beg him to excuse this encroachment on his time.

RC (MHi); in the hand of a representative of Allen & Bryant; undated; endorsed by TJ as received 18 Feb. 1820 and so recorded in SJL.

The firm of Allen & Bryant was formed in 1819 to sell books and stationery in Elizabethtown (later Elizabeth), New Jersey. The partners were Samuel C. Allen and John Jay Bryant (1799–1859). A native of Concord, Massachusetts, Bryant continued to operate a bookstore into the 1830s. He represented Essex County in the New Jersey General Assembly, 1833–34. In 1839 Bryant was an incorporator of a ferry between Elizabethtown and New York City. He joined the New Jersey Historical Society in 1846, and four years later he was appointed postmaster of Elizabethtown. Bryant died while in Kentucky on business (Elizabethtown New-Jersey Journal, 16 Nov. 1819; Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1635–1850 [(1894)], 270; Publishers’ Weekly 67 [1905]: 643; John P. Dullard, comp., Manual of the Legislature of New Jersey, One Hundred and Forty-Fifth Session. 1921 [1921], 178; Acts of the sixty-third General Assembly of the State of New Jersey … Being the First Sitting [1839], 139–42; DNA: RG 29, CS, N.J., Elizabethtown, 1840, 1850; New Jersey Historical Society, Proceedings 1 [1847]: 126; DNA: RG 28, RAP; New York Herald, 7 July 1859; New-York Observer, 7 July 1859; Bryant’s gravestone inscription in First Presbyterian Churchyard, Elizabeth, N.J.).

Crediting “An American” as the author, Allen & Bryant soon published The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: containing historical sketches, and anecdotes illustrative of his public and private character (Elizabethown, 1820).

Index Entries

  • Allen, Samuel C.; as bookseller search
  • Allen & Bryant (N.J. firm); as publishers search
  • Allen & Bryant (N.J. firm); identified search
  • Allen & Bryant (N.J. firm); letter from search
  • Bryant, John Jay; identified search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; subscriptions search
  • Napoleon I, emperor of France; works on search
  • subscriptions, for publications; biographies search
  • The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: containing historical sketches, and anecdotes illustrative of his public and private character (“An American”) search
  • “An American” (pseudonym); The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: containing historical sketches, and anecdotes illustrative of his public and private character search