Thomas Jefferson Papers

Elihu F. Marshall to Thomas Jefferson, 17 February 1820

From Elihu F. Marshall

Saratoga Springs 17th of 2nd mo 1820

Friend Jefferson

As thy publick interestedness is well known to the inhabitants of the United States by numberless specimens, wilt thou be pleased to extend thy usefulness a little further and give the “American Tutor’s Assistant” a perusal and send me the result of thy reflections respecting the work? No doubt but there are some typographical errours in the work which shall receive prompt correction in a future edition and no pains shall be spared to render it if possible as uncontaminated as may be considering the nature of the work

By complying with the above request
Thou wilt very much oblige thine &c

E. F. Marshall

P.S. The Book shall accompany this request—


RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as a letter from “Mayhall E. F.” received 18 Mar. 1820 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Thomas Ewell, 28 Sept. 1820, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Late President of the U.S. Monticello (Virginia)”; franked; postmarked Saratoga Springs, 26 Feb. Enclosure: Marshall, A Spelling Book of the English Language; or The American Tutor’s Assistant. intended particularly for the use of “Common Schools.” The Pronunciation Being Adapted to the Much Approved Principles of J. Walker (Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 1820).

Elihu Francis Marshall (ca. 1794–1840), author, printer, and stationer, was born in Easton, New York. He wrote a popular spelling book that went through numerous editions. Marshall established a book- and stationery store around 1819 in Rochester, New York, and continued the firm until 1834 under various names and with a variety of partners. In 1825 he and two others established the Rochester Album, a newspaper that he published until its 1828 merger with another paper. Marshall served as Rochester’s city treasurer and was an incorporator in 1831 of the Rochester Savings Bank. In the beginning of 1840 he became a publisher of the Rochester New Genesee Farmer and Gardener’s Journal and continued in this role until his death in Rochester later that year (One Hundred Years in the Paper Business, 1819–1919: Being a Brief History of … The Alling & Cory Company [1919], 3–5, 18; William F. Peck, Semi-Centennial History of the City of Rochester [1884], 261, 301, 362, 470; Frederick Follett, History of the Press of Western New-York [1847], 47, 49; Middlebury, Vt., National Standard, 25 Jan. 1820; Concord New-Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette, 11 Apr. 1820; Saratoga Springs Saratoga Sentinel, 3 Jan., 27 June 1821; Winifred Gregory, ed., American Newspapers, 1821–1936: A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada [1937], 488; Cleveland Western Intelligencer, 21 Sept. 1827; DNA: RG 29, CS, N.Y., Rochester, 1830, 1840; New Genesee Farmer and Gardener’s Journal 1 [1840]: 1, 144; New-York Spectator, 2 Sept. 1840; gravestone inscription in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester).

Marshall sent similar letters covering the same enclosure to John Adams on 16 Feb. 1820 and to James Madison on 23 Feb. 1820 (MHi: Adams Papers; Madison, Papers, Retirement Ser., 2:18).

Index Entries

  • Adams, John; works sent to search
  • A Spelling Book of the English Language; or The American Tutor’s Assistant (E. F. Marshall) search
  • books; on spelling search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Madison, James (1751–1836); works sent to search
  • Marshall, Elihu Francis; A Spelling Book of the English Language; or The American Tutor’s Assistant search
  • Marshall, Elihu Francis; identified search
  • Marshall, Elihu Francis; letter from search