Thomas Jefferson to James H. McCulloch, 7 February 1820
To James H. McCulloch
Monticello Feb. 7. 20.
Dear Sir
Your favor of Jan. 31: came to hand the last night. that of Dec. 23. had been recieved the last day of that month, and I am sensible I owe you an apology for not having acknoleged it sooner, but I was waiting in the constant expectation of being able to remit at the same time, the 65.62 amount of the duties on the wines and other articles: for we are in a situation here never before experienced. the market for our produce is Richmond, and for getting it there we depend on the navigation of our river, the North branch of James. from the 1st day of July, a 6. months drought had kept it insufficient to float a boat when in Dec. it freezed, and continues so at this moment the commercial shock about midsummer paralysed instantaneously all circulation of money here, all payments and reciepts, leaving no resource till the produce of the year could get to market, and again set us afloat, and that has been delayed. such is the state of the district in which I live, and which involves me in it’s vortex. this detail of localities is [lon]ger than I ought to have troubled you with, but I am led t[o] [it?] [b]y a desire to stand excused by you in the delay of my remittance. two or three days of warm weather, and a hope of it’s continuance, gives us the expectation that our boats may begin to run in a few days. they will carry from me sufficient means to enable me to meet my calls, and the first attended to shall be the remittance to you being feelingly alive to the impropriety of adding it’s delay to the other inconveniences these affairs of mine impose on you. in the mean time and for a short while only I will avail myself of the indulgence to my own convenience which you are so kind as to off[er] for which I tender my thanks & assurances of great esteem & respect.
Th Jefferson
P.S. the goods are safely arrived at Richmond havg been ice-bound a while in James river
PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of Fernagus De Gelone to TJ, 28 Jan. 1819; mutilated at seal and edge trimmed; adjacent to signature: “James H. McCulloch esq.”; endorsed by TJ.
Index Entries
- banks; distressed situation of search
- boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
- currency; paper search
- James River; ice on search
- McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); and wine for TJ search
- McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); collector at Baltimore search
- McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); letters to search
- Richmond, Va.; boat carriage to and from search
- Rivanna River; ice on search
- Rivanna River; water level of search
- taxes; customs search
- weather; drought search
- wine; sent to TJ search