Francis W. Gilmer to Thomas Jefferson, 24 January 1820
From Francis W. Gilmer
Richmond. Jany 24. 1820
dear Sir.
The court of Appeals has given judgement in one of the usury cases [Taylor. v. Bruce] and I hasten to apprise you of the result. I should have done it with more pleasure had the decision been different. I do not understand the particular nature of the transaction in which you are indorser for Col. Nicholas. I must therefore give you an outline of the case of Taylor & Bruce leaving to you the application of the principle—with a promise however on my part to answer any farther inquiries you may wish to make with alacrity & pleasure.
The appellant as admr of E. B. Holloway brought his bill in chancery charging that the late house of Holloway & Hanserd of which the intestate was a member being pressed for money, applied to the appellee who knew their situation for a loan, which they obtained at a high rate of usury. To cover the loan from the operation of the statute negotiable notes were given with Allison and Atkinson indorsers. The bill is for a discovery of facts from Bruce & for relief from the usurious interest.
The answer denied any communication with Holloway & Hanserd for a loan & averred it to be a fair purchase of notes which were in market for a bona1 fide consideration—seeking to bring the case within the rule of Hansborough v. Baylor 2. Munf. Rep. in which it was decided that a purchase of bonds from an assignee at any discount was not usurious. A fact however existed in Taylor & Bruce which was wanting in that case and which was much insisted on in this. Bruce bought the notes of H & H from one Mertens a broker. and as it was admitted on all sides that had Bruce bought the notes from H & H directly it would have been usury—an effort was made to shew that he bought them of Mertens knowing him to be their agent. This fact was not admitted in the answer, but Judge Roane thought was so evasively denied as to amount to an admission.
Upon the case thus made out Brooke and Coalter were of opinion that it was a sale of negotiable paper allowed by law—& not a loan of money, and were therefore for dismissing the bill. The court consisted of but three, poor Judge Fleming being absent by sickness & Cabell not sitting from a remote interest in the question to be decided. Judge Roane delivered one of the ablest opinions I ever heard from him—maintaining that the whole transaction had every badge2 of fraud, usury, & rapacity which any such transaction ever can have. That usury must always be collected from circumstances or the statute is nugatory & inoperative. That it was a loan of money & the negotiable notes a mere evasion—which evasion was sought to be continued & supported by a prevaricating & equivocating answer—which refuted itself by the very affirmatives with which its negatives were pregnant. He was therefore for reversing the decree, and making the appellee disgorge the whole interest—being allowed the principal by the statute.
It will be remarked that the judgement of the court was pronounced by two Judges against the opinion of the third. and it has always been understood by the court that the concurrence of two will not settle the law tho’ it decide[s]3 the case. The principle therefore is still open to discussion. I believe Judge Rs opinion will finally prevail. The statute is a dead letter under the reasoning of the other Judges.
So far from repealing the statute against usury under the reasoning of Bentham I think the times call for the interposition of the Legislature to bind with cords which cannot be broken the rapacious usurers by which society is infested. This must be done by altering the nature of the evidence. Even admitting promissory notes & public stock may be fair subjects of trade or speculation, where is the impropriety of making every transfer of such property at a premium or discount very far above or below the market price at the time of the transaction prima facie evidence of a loan? which evidence the person charged with usury may rebut by circumstances or proof? The statute requires amendment—and I should like to have it well considered before the alteration is made. Do you know what the result of the experiment in France was, to dispense with any statutory rate of interest? The last edition of the Code civil, fixed the rate & interdicted all greater interest—which I think is conclusive that it was found necessary. The advocates for its repeal in Virginia have generally been governed by a notion quite too elementary & abstracted, that society have no right to interfere in private contracts. It has the same right that it has to prevent gaming—drunkenness, smuggling &c.
I did not learn ’till within a few days that Mr Corrêa had ceased to act in his diplomatic capacity—he is in Philadelphia—He told me last summer that this was his last winter in the U. S. He sails in the spring for Rio Janeiro, where I am glad to learn he is in high favor with his court. He has already been exalted to a high order of nobility with a title which I do not remember. He seems to anticipate, as well he may—a proud destiny for the mighty empire whose foundations are already laid in Brazil. How much it is to be regretted that they have not our institutions & love of Liberty—toleration—peace &c
The fates have conspired against the Central University—or rather against Virginia. for the defalcation in the treasury is humiliating to us all.
with best wishes for your health & happiness
F. W. Gilmer.
RC (MoSHi: Gilmer Papers); brackets in original; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson esquire Monticello Albemarle County”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 24 Jan.; endorsed by TJ as received 27 Jan. 1820 and so recorded in SJL.
Gilmer’s full report of the case of taylor. v. bruce, in which he acted as counsel for the plaintiff, is in , 21 (1 Gilmer; , 10 [no. 584]): 42–98. A Virginia statute passed in November 1796 and taking effect the following May set the maximum allowable interest rate at 6 percent ( [1796 sess.], 16–7). The 1811 case of hansborough v. baylor can be found in , 16 (2 Munford): 36–40.
The British philosopher Jeremy bentham wrote a Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the terms of Pecuniary Bargains (London, 1787). In a pamphlet published later in 1820, Gilmer inferred that the experiment in france to do away with laws preventing usury had failed. He observed that a provision of the Code Civil enacted in 1804, which established that “interest should be legal or conventional: the conventional, might exceed the legal rate, by any amount not forbidden by law; and the law forbad no rate,” was overturned in 1807 when interest in French commercial contracts was fixed at 6 percent and in other contracts at 5 percent ([Gilmer], A Vindication of the laws, limiting the rate of interest on loans; from the objections of Jeremy Bentham, and the Edinburgh Reviewers [Richmond, 1820; , 11 (no. 676); TJ’s copy in ViU], 53–4; Code Civil des Français [Paris, 1804; no. 2217], 461; Gilmer to TJ, 10 Dec. 1820).
In a letter to Thomas Mann Randolph of 4 Feb. 1820, José Corrêa da Serra wrote of his high favor with his court: “The King has lately been very generous towards me, giving me a highly honorable place near him of member of his council, inspector of finances and the star and ribband of the order of the Conception the first now in the Kingdom” (RC in DLC: TJ Papers, ser. 6; at foot of text: “H. Ey T. M. Randolph”). John Preston, the treasurer of Virginia, committed the defalcation in the treasury. He had recently admitted that a deficit in the state’s funds resulted from his having met budgetary shortfalls by borrowing from “individuals, then high in the confidence of the public, but who have since fallen sacrifices to the unusual state of the times” ( [1819–20 sess.], 113 [13 Jan. 1820]).
Echoing Gilmer’s concerns for the University of Virginia, its bursar, Alexander Garrett, wrote John H. Cocke on this date that “From the State of the funds of the University, and the demands now pressing on it, I fear the Visitors will not be able to progress further in improvements the present year, not even to compleat those already began, Mr. Brockenbrough has lately made a rough estimate of the costs of the work now done, and for which payment is now demandable, and that already exceeds the second annual donation by the state, Mr. J. has directed $13,000 to be now drawn and distributed among the claimants—without further aid therefore from the legislature, or some other quarter, I cannot see how the improvements are to go on, the late occurancies in the State Treasuary department, I fear will blast all hopes of aid from the legislature” (RC in ViU: JHC; addressed: “Genl John. H. Cocke Bremo” by “Mr Bailey”; endorsed by Cocke).
1. Manuscript: “bana.”
2. Manuscript: “bade.”
3. Word mutilated.
Index Entries
- Allison, John; endorses note search
- Atkinson, Thomas; endorses note search
- A Vindication of the laws, limiting the rate of interest on loans (F. W. Gilmer) search
- Bentham, Jeremy; Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the terms of Pecuniary Bargains search
- Brazil; and J. Corrêa da Serra search
- Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; as University of Virginia proctor search
- Brooke, Francis Taliaferro; as Va. Court of Appeals judge search
- Bruce, James; andTaylor v. Bruce search
- Cabell, William H.; as Va. Court of Appeals judge search
- Coalter, John; as Va. Court of Appeals judge search
- Cocke, John Hartwell (1780–1866); as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors search
- Corrêa da Serra, José; and John VI, king of Portugal search
- Corrêa da Serra, José; plans to relocate to Brazil search
- Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the terms of Pecuniary Bargains (J. Bentham) search
- Fleming, William; as Va. Court of Appeals judge search
- France; interest rates in search
- Garrett, Alexander; as University of Virginia bursar search
- Gilmer, Francis Walker; andTaylor v. Bruce search
- Gilmer, Francis Walker; A Vindication of the laws, limiting the rate of interest on loans search
- Gilmer, Francis Walker; letters from search
- Hansborough v. Baylor search
- Holloway, Edmunds B.; estate of search
- Holloway & Hanserd (Petersburg firm) search
- interest; and usury search
- interest; rate limits in Va. search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; endorses notes for W. C. Nicholas search
- John, Prince Regent (later John VI, king of Portugal and Brazil) search
- law; usury search
- Mertens, John Louis; andTaylor v. Bruce search
- Nicholas, Wilson Cary (1761–1820); TJ endorses notes for search
- Preston, John (d.1827); as treasurer of Va. search
- Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); and J. Corrêa da Serra search
- Roane, Spencer; opinion inTaylor v. Bruce search
- Taylor, George Keith; andTaylor v. Bruce search
- Taylor v. Bruce search
- Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; funding for search
- Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and construction of University of Virginia search
- Virginia; Court of Appeals search
- Virginia; General Assembly search
- Virginia; interest rates in search
- Virginia; treasury of search