Robert Patterson to Thomas Jefferson, 13 January 1820
From Robert Patterson
Mint of U. S. Jan’y 13, ’20
In one of this morning’s papers, [The Aurora,] I observe the copy of a letter from you to Mr Neville of Pittsburgh “respecting the medals given by Congress to certain officers” .… Now, Sir, as on this subject I can communicate all the information which it is probable may be required, I beg leave to inform you—That while Mr Burr was vice President of the U. States, he brought to the Mint a pair of dies, for medals commemorative of General Gates’ capture of Burgoine; with which, at his request, Mr Eckfeldt, now chief coiner, struck & delivered to him, twelve silver, & a number of tin medals. The dies were left in the custody of Mr Eckfeldt. They are still in good preservation, & ready to be delivered to any person authorized to receive them.
Rt Patterson
RC (DLC); brackets and ellipsis in original; endorsed by TJ as received 21 Jan. 1820 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to William Barraclough, 13 May 1820, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Monticello Va”; franked; postmarked Philadelphia, 18 Jan.
Index Entries
- Aurora (Philadelphia newspaper); prints TJ’s correspondence search
- Burgoyne, John; medal commemorating surrender of search
- Burr, Aaron (1756–1836); as vice president search
- Eckfeldt, John Adam; and medals commemorating American Revolution search
- Gates, Horatio; medal commemorating search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; publication of papers search
- medals; commemorating Revolutionary War service search
- Mint, U.S.; and medals commemorating American Revolution search
- Neville, Morgan; and medals commemorating Revolutionary War search
- newspapers; PhiladelphiaAurora search
- Patterson, Robert; director of U.S. Mint search
- Patterson, Robert; letters from search
- Philadelphia; Aurora search
- Revolutionary War; medals for service in search