Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Felix Pascalis, 2 January 1820

To Felix Pascalis

Monticello Jan. 2. 20.


I recieved on the 26th only your letter of the 15th of December proposing1 to our University the purchase of the collection of Natural curiosities recommended by you; and I regret that that institution is not yet in a sufficient state of forwardness to avail ourselves of the advantage. our buildings are not yet half finished: and, until they are compleated, our whole funds must be applied to that object. prudence prescribes the postponement of secondary wants, lest they should defeat, or too much retard the accomplishment of what is primary and the first essential. with my regrets accept the assurance of my great respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of a reused address cover from Wilson Cary Nicholas to TJ, to be delivered by Alexander Garrett; at foot of text: “Doctr Pascalis”; endorsed by TJ.

1Faint word enhanced by TJ to “poposing.”

Index Entries

  • natural history; collections search
  • Pascalis Ouviere, Felix Alexander; and natural-history specimens for University of Virginia search
  • Pascalis Ouviere, Felix Alexander; letter to search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; progress of search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; natural-history specimens for search