Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on a Conversation with Michele Raggi, 4 November 1819

Notes on a Conversation with Michele Raggi

1819.  Feb. 17. @ 526.D. a year each. 43.83 pr month
eod. die each recd 200.D. in part.1
1819.  Nov. 4. notes of a conversn with Michael Raggi
I agreed  to advance, to be pd his wife in Leghorn 150
also for her passage viâ Bordeaux 150
to advance to his bror (to attend his wife) for his passage 150
The brother, who is an Ornatist to be allowed 526.D. a year, repaying2 the passage money and to be engaged to the end of Michel’s term.
nothing was said about his board, or lodging.
I agreed to have remitted to the wife of Giacomo 150.D

desire mr Appleton to propose 600.D. a year to the brother, he boarding & lodging himself

to count from his arrival at Charlottesville.

to repay his passage out of his wages.

to be engaged to the end of Michel’s term. viz. Feb. 17. 1822.

MS (ViU: TJP); written entirely in TJ’s hand on both sides of a small sheet.

“Eodem die” (eod. die): “on the same day.” ornatist: “Ornamentalist.”

1Text to this point written perpendicularly along left margin.

2Manuscript: “repayin.”

3Recto ends here.

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; and stonecutters for Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on a Conversation with Michele Raggi search
  • Raggi, Giacomo; as stonecutter for University of Virginia search
  • Raggi, Giacomo; family of search
  • Raggi, Michele; as stonecutter for University of Virginia search
  • Raggi, Michele; family of search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; stonecutters for search