Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James Leitch, 1 October 1819

To James Leitch

Oct. 1. 19.

2. ℔ ginger

2. oz. Mace

2. oz. Cinnamon.

2. oz. nutmeg

2. oz. Cloves

1. ℔ fig blue

2. loaves sugar


RC (ViU: TJP); written on a small scrap; dateline beneath signature; at foot of text: “Mr James Leitch.” Not recorded in SJL.

fig blue or blue starch was a “powder used to combat yellowing, and hence preserve the whiteness of garments and fabrics in laundering, by adding a slight tint of blue” (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ).

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