Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on European Territorial Changes, [ca. 21 September 1819]
Notes on European Territorial Changes
[ca. 21 Sept. 1819]
Transfers of dominion by the allied powers.
ils ont naturalise Geneve en Suisse
la Belgique en Hollande
Genes en Piemont
le Rhin & la Moselle en Prusse
la Norwege en Suede
l’Italie et Venise en Autriche
l’etat Septinsulaire dans l’empire Britannique.
la republique de Pologne dans celui du Czar Autocrateur.
Editors’ Translation
[ca. 21 Sept. 1819]
Transfers of dominion by the allied powers.
they assimilated Geneva into Switzerland
Belgium into Holland
Genoa into the Piedmont
the Rhine & the Moselle into Prussia
Norway into Sweden
Italy and Venice into Austria
the Septinsular state into the British empire.
the Polish republic into that of the autocratic czar.
MS (Harold J. Coolidge Jr., Washington, D.C., 1948); written entirely in TJ’s hand on a small scrap; undated. Translation by Dr. Genevieve Moene.
These notes closely follow pp. 57–8 of [Narcisse Achille de Salvandy], La Coalition et La France (Paris, 1817; , 11 [no. 639]), receipt of an edition of which TJ acknowledged in his 21 Sept. 1819 letter to Lewis D. Belair.
Only Lombardy and Venetia in northern italie were ceded to Austria at the 1815 Congress of Vienna. l’etat septinsulaire consisted of the seven Ionian Islands just off the western coast of present-day Greece.
Index Entries
- Alexander I, emperor of Russia; and Polish territories search
- Austria; and Congress of Vienna search
- Belgium; and Congress of Vienna search
- Europe; TJ’s notes on territorial changes in search
- French language; documents in, by; TJ search
- Geneva, Switzerland; and Congress of Vienna search
- Genoa, Italy; and Congress of Vienna search
- Great Britain; and Congress of Vienna search
- Ionian Islands; and Congress of Vienna search
- Italy; and Congress of Vienna search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on European Territorial Changes search
- La Coalition et La France (N. A. de Salvandy) search
- Norway; and Congress of Vienna search
- Piedmont, Italy; and Congress of Vienna search
- Poland; and Congress of Vienna search
- Prussia; and Congress of Vienna search
- Salvandy, Narcisse Achille de; La Coalition et La France search
- Sweden; and Congress of Vienna search
- Switzerland; and Congress of Vienna search
- The Netherlands; and Congress of Vienna search
- Venice; and Congress of Vienna search
- Vienna, Congress of; negotiations at search