Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Francis W. Gilmer, 28 June 1819

To Francis W. Gilmer

Monticello June 28. 19.

Dear Sir

I recieved yesterday your favor of the 23d and am sorry it is not in my power to give you the smallest degree of information on the enquiries it contains. it is now 40. years since we worked on the Revisal, and the particular act you speak of having been in that epoch of the1 British statutes assigned to mr Wythe, never2 fell under my consideration but merely when submitted to the Revisors. such a lapse of time and such a series of avocations from law subjects have as compleatly obliterated this particular one from my mind as if it had never been in it.

I am writing to our friend M. Correa to inform him of my movements during the ensuing season, in order to prevent the loss of his annual visit as once before happened to me. I go to Bedford this day week & continue there until the meeting of our visitors the 1st Monday of October, except a short visit to this place at our Sep. court. I hope you will be able so to time a holiday from Richmond as to meet him here. affectionately Adieu

Th: Jefferson

RC (ViU: TJP); signature, clipped, supplied from PoC; at foot of text: “F. W. Gilmer esq.” PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Ezekiel W. Hudnall to Nelson Barksdale, 26 Mar. 1819 (see note to TJ’s Memorandum on University of Virginia Construction Proposals, [after 3 Apr. 1819]); torn at seal, with one missing word rewritten by TJ; endorsed by TJ.

1Word omitted by TJ in enhancing faint PoC.

2TJ here canceled “became.”

Index Entries

  • Corrêa da Serra, José; friendship with F. W. Gilmer search
  • Corrêa da Serra, José; proposed visit of search
  • Gilmer, Francis Walker; as lawyer search
  • Gilmer, Francis Walker; friendship with J. Corrêa da Serra search
  • Gilmer, Francis Walker; invited to visit Monticello search
  • Gilmer, Francis Walker; letters to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Public Service; and revision of Va. laws search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ plans visits to search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; meetings of search
  • Virginia; revision of laws search
  • Wythe, George; and revision of Va. laws search