Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Coles to Thomas Jefferson, 26 June 1819

From John Coles

Mrs Carters June 26th1 1819.

Dear Sir

I will be at Monticello tomorrow to dinner or in the evening, I was much mortified to disappoint you before, Nothing but beg taken So ill, between this and monday, as not to be able to get as far as Milton Shall now prevent my attendg

I am with great respect and esteem

John Coles

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 26 June 1819 and so recorded in SJL.

mrs carters was likely Redlands, the Albemarle County home of Coles’s sister, Mary Eliza Coles Carter.

1Reworked from “25th.”

Index Entries

  • Carter, Mary Eliza Coles (Robert Carter’s wife) search
  • Coles, John (1774–1848); andJefferson v. Rivanna Company search
  • Coles, John (1774–1848); letters from search
  • Coles, John (1774–1848); visits Monticello search
  • Jefferson v. Rivanna Company; depositions for search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Coles, John search