Thomas Jefferson Papers

John J. Boyd (for LeRoy, Bayard & Company) to Thomas Jefferson, 14 June 1819

From John J. Boyd (for LeRoy, Bayard & Company)

New York June 14th 1819


To oblige us one of the Banks here has consented to take our draft on Mr Gibson for $432.25 the Interest to the 15 Inst on the payment you have to make us on the 7 May 1820 of $2083.20—The draft will, according to their fixed rule, be passed to our credit upon advice of its payment in Richmond being received—Altho’ attended with delay, this arrangement saves you from a loss of about 1½ PCt, at which rate checks on Richmond are now selling—

With much respect, we are

Sir Your Hum. Servts
LeRoy Bayard & Co
 ⅌ J. J. Boyd

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as a letter from “Leroy & Bayard” received 20 June 1819 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MoSHi: TJC-BC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Jesse Wharton, 25 Oct. 1820, on verso; addressed in an unidentified hand: “To The Honble Ths Jefferson Monticello”; stamp canceled; franked; postmarked New York, 14 June.

John J. Boyd (ca. 1790–1863), clerk and merchant, was born in New York City. At age fourteen he took a clerkship in the mercantile firm of LeRoy, Bayard & McEvers, and he continued in this capacity when it became LeRoy, Bayard & Company. By 1823 Boyd entered business independently as an agent for a line of Le Havre packets, work which he continued in partnership with Dominick Crassous until they dissolved their firm in 1832. In 1834 he was elected an assistant New York City ward alderman. By 1838 he partnered with Edward Hincken in a ship brokerage firm specializing in trade with Le Havre. Boyd retired in 1861 and died in New York City (“Walter Barrett” [Joseph Alfred Scoville], The Old Merchants of New York City [1863–69; repr. 1968], 4:127–30; Boston Daily Advertiser, 7 Feb. 1823; New-York Spectator, 24 Jan. 1833, 14 Apr. 1834; New York Morning Herald, 24 Jan. 1838; New York Herald, 1 Oct. 1861, 18 May 1863; N-Ar: N.Y. state census, New York City, 1855; New York Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 30 May 1863).

Index Entries

  • banks; in New York search
  • banks; in Va. search
  • Boyd, John J.; clerk for LeRoy, Bayard & Company search
  • Boyd, John J.; identified search
  • Boyd, John J.; letter from search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and payments made for TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business and Financial Affairs; debt to N. & J. & R. van Staphorst search
  • LeRoy, Bayard & Company (New York firm); and TJ’s debt to N. & J. & R. van Staphorst search
  • LeRoy, Bayard & Company (New York firm); letters from search
  • N. & J. & R. van Staphorst; TJ’s debt to search
  • Richmond, Va.; banks in search