Thomas Jefferson to Nicholas H. Lewis, 3 June 1819 (second letter)
To Nicholas H. Lewis
June 3. 1819.
Be pleased to take notice that at the tavern of Wm D. Fitz in the town of Milton, between the hours of 9. A.M. and 6. P.M. of Tuesday the 8th instant June1 I shall proceed to take the depositions of sundry persons to be read in evidence in the suit depending in the Superior court of Chancery holden at Staunton wherein I am Complainant and the Directors of the Rivanna company are defendants.
Th: Jefferson
I acknolege notice of the above and that a copy of it has been left with me
N, H, Lewis
RC (photocopy in ViCMRL); in TJ’s hand, signed by TJ and Lewis; dateline adjacent to TJ’s signature; at head of text: “Mr Nicholas H. Lewis, Secretary and Agent of the Directors of the Rivanna company”; addressed: “Mr Nicholas H Lewis”; endorsed by Lewis: “notice.” Enclosed in Lewis to TJ, 3 June 1819, and probably in TJ to Lewis, 3 June 1819 (first letter).
1. Preceding six words interlined (see Lewis to TJ, 3 June 1819).