Thomas Jefferson Papers

Nicholas H. Lewis to Thomas Jefferson, 2 June 1819 (2d letter)

From Nicholas H. Lewis

June 2nd 1819

Dear Sir

We determined this morning for your convenience and also to save ourselves some trouble to send for Poor I have no doubt but he will attend at Charlottesville on the 10th Instant as their will be other depositions taken on that day it will save both parties much trouble I hope this arrangement will meet your approbation

Respectfully yos &—

N, H, Lewis

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “Thos Jefferson Esqr.”

Index Entries

  • Jefferson v. Rivanna Company; depositions for search
  • Lewis, Nicholas Hunter; and Rivanna Company search
  • Lewis, Nicholas Hunter; letters from search
  • Poor, Immanuel; as agent of Rivanna Company search