Thomas Jefferson Papers

William D. Meriwether and Nicholas H. Lewis to Thomas Jefferson, 1 June 1819 (1st letter)

From William D. Meriwether and Nicholas H. Lewis

Milton June 1st 1819


Be pleased to take notice that at The Tavern of Jessee Devenports in the Town of Charlottesville Between the hours of 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. of Thursday the 10th Instant June

And so from day to day untill concluded we shall proceed to take the depositions of Jessee Lewis and others to be read in evedence in a suit wherein we are defendants and yourself complainant in the Superior Court of Chancery holden at Staunton

 W D Meriwether President
N, H, Lewis Secty and Agent for the Rivanna company

RC (DLC); in Lewis’s hand, signed by Meriwether and Lewis; between dateline and salutation: “Mr Thomas Jefferson.”

jessee devenports: Jesse Davenport’s.

Index Entries

  • Charlottesville, Va.; taverns in search
  • Davenport, Jesse; Charlottesville tavern keeper search
  • Jefferson v. Rivanna Company; depositions for search
  • Lewis, Jesse Pitman; andJefferson v. Rivanna Company search
  • Lewis, Nicholas Hunter; and Rivanna Company search
  • Lewis, Nicholas Hunter; letters from search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; and Rivanna Company search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; letters from search