William Payne to Thomas Jefferson, 26 May 1819
From William Payne
Fluvanna 26th May 1819
My Father Recveived your letter last evening Requesting his attenance at Milton on monday the 31st Inst. he would be glad to attend there on the day appointed; but his infurm State of health & old age will prevent him from attening, he Recollects that Roger & George Thompson were concerned in making the Rivanna River navigable a Number of years ago but do not Recollect at what date; he also Recollects that before that time produce were carried to markett altogether by Waggons
Wm Payne Jr
RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 27 May 1819 and so recorded in SJL.
William Payne (1782–1858), farmer, was the son of William Payne (1732–1822), both of Fluvanna County. The younger Payne supported the presidential elections of Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. He owned twenty slaves in 1840. At Payne’s death in Fluvanna his estate was valued at about $17,000 and included twelve slaves (Genealogical table of the Payne family [MS in ViU]; Richmond Enquirer, 30 Mar. 1832, 13 Feb. 1836; DNA: RG 29, CS, Fluvanna Co., 1840, 1850; Fluvanna Co. Will Book, 8:234–5, 272–5).
No letter from TJ to either William Payne has been found, and none are recorded in SJL.
Index Entries
- Jefferson v. Rivanna Company; depositions for search
- Payne, William (1732–1822) search
- Payne, William (1782–1858); andJefferson v. Rivanna Company search
- Payne, William (1782–1858); identified search
- Payne, William (1782–1858); letter from search
- Rivanna River; navigation of search
- Thompson, George (of Albemarle Co.); and Rivanna River navigation search
- Thompson, Roger; and Rivanna River navigation search
- wagons; mentioned search