Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Smith & Riddle, 6 May 1819

To Smith & Riddle

Monticello May 6. 19

Messrs Smith and Riddle

I must ask the favor of you to supply me with the window glass below stated, of the best quality. I wish it divided into two parcels packed in separate boxes, the one being wanting here, the other at my place near Lynchburg, for which purpose I inclose two cards of different addresses to be nailed on the boxes, and delivered to Capt Bernard Peyton who will forward them to their respective addresses. be so good at the same time as to send me a bill of the cost for which you shall recieve an order for payment in Richmond. Accept the assurances of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

 for Monticello
10. panes. 18 by 24.I.
50.1 do
12.I. square
 for Poplar Forest near Lynchburg.
25. panes 12.I. square
50. do 12. by 18 I.

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of James Monroe to TJ, 23 Nov. 1818; endorsed by TJ, with his notation beneath endorsement: “Kupfer agent Glass co. Boston.” Enclosures not found. Enclosed in TJ to Charles F. Kupfer, 15 June 1819.

1Preceding this number TJ inserted “say 25 +,” presumably to indicate that Monticello and Poplar Forest would need a total of seventy-five twelve-inch-square panes.

Index Entries

  • Boston, Mass.; glass from search
  • Boston Glass Manufactory search
  • building materials; window glass search
  • glass, window; Boston search
  • glass, window; for Monticello search
  • glass, window; for Poplar Forest search
  • glass, window; TJ orders search
  • Kupfer, Charles F.; and Boston Glass Manufactory search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); glass for search
  • Peyton, Bernard; forwards goods for TJ search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); glass for search
  • Smith & Riddle (Richmond firm); and glass for TJ search
  • Smith & Riddle (Richmond firm); letters to search