Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Rodolph Schaer, 4 April 1819

To Rodolph Schaer

Monticello Apr. 4. 19.


I duly recieved your favor of Mar. 25. offering some books and philosophical instruments to the purchase of the University; and have to inform you that all it’s funds are at present called for in the building department, and that for a considerable time to come, none of them can be applied to purchases of the nature of that you have been so good as to offer. Accept the assurance of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MoSHi: TJC-BC); on verso of reused address cover of Alfred H. Dashiell to TJ, 1 Dec. 1818; at foot of text: “Mr Schaer”; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • Schaer, Rodolph (Rodolf Schär); letter to search
  • Schaer, Rodolph (Rodolf Schär); offers books, minerals, and scientific instruments to University of Virginia search
  • scientific instruments; for University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Books and Library; books for search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; scientific instruments for search