Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Thomas Mann Randolph (1792–1848) to Thomas Mann Randolph, 17 March [1819]


Thomas Mann Randolph (1792–1848) to Thomas Mann Randolph

Tuckahoe March 17th

Dear Sir

The bearer of this Mr Calverley is by profession a painter, he has done a great deal of painting for me at Tuckahoe, & I can recommend him as an excellent workman, surpassed by none in Richmond, & is withall one of the most industrious, steady, & deserving tradesmen that I know any where—he is desirous to get employment at the Central college; & feeling convinced that no man can be obtained who will execute more faithfully the painting & glazing work I take pleasure in making him known to you with the request that you will give him the necessary information to whom he ought to make his proposals & to aid him in procuring the job: I feel convinced he will give satisfaction if employed

I am Dr Sir yrs sincerely

Th: M. Randolph

RC (ViU: TJP); dateline adjacent to signature; partially dated; addressed: “Col: Thomas Mann Randolph Richmond” by “Mr Calverley”; endorsed by TJ: “Painter & Glazier. Calverley Danl R.”

Daniel R. Calverly (ca. 1793–1833), painter and glazier, was apparently never employed by the University of Virginia during TJ’s lifetime. Nevertheless, by the summer of 1820 he had moved permanently from the Richmond area to Albemarle County. At his death Calverly left a personal estate valued at $175 and including “2 Diamonds for Cutting Glass,” two brushes, and a chisel (DNA: RG 29, CS, Albemarle Co., 1820, 1830; Albemarle Co. Will Book, 11:319–20, 12:115–6).

A proposal by Calverly from around this time indicates that he would charge 30 cents per yard for three coats of oil paint and 37½ cents for four coats. He wanted 50 cents a yard for “Graining—Mahogany—Sattin and Oak wood (imitation) varnished.” Graining “Maple;—Marbling;—or any other fancy work” would “be done as low as any other estimate.” Calverly gave his “Glazing prices=work & materials furnished” as follows: “

Common Glass= 8 by 10 1/– or 17
10 12 1/6 ″ 25
12 16 46
12 18 56.

Best Glass— 12 16 56
12 18 69½”
(MS in ViU: TJP; in Calverly’s hand and signed by him; undated; endorsed by TJ: “Painter & Glazier Calverley Danl R. Painter & Glazier”; with TJ’s additional notations that “in painting these prices comprehend materials, but not in glazing direct to him in Richmd by mail,” his own list of the above glass sizes, repeating Calverly’s prices for installing the best glass, and TJ’s conclusion that the cost for the two sizes of best glass would be 42 and 46 cents per square foot, respectively).

Index Entries

  • Calverly, Daniel R.; identified search
  • Calverly, Daniel R.; seeks employment at University of Virginia search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); and D. R. Calverly search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); letter to, from T. M. Randolph (1792–1848) search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1792–1848) (son of Thomas Mann Randolph [1741–93]; half-brother of Thomas Mann Randolph [1768–1828]); letter from, to T. M. Randolph (1768–1828) search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1792–1848) (son of Thomas Mann Randolph [1741–93]; half-brother of Thomas Mann Randolph [1768–1828]); recommends D. R. Calverly search
  • Tuckahoe (Randolph family’s Goochland Co. estate); painting done at search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; painters and glaziers for search