Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James P. Preston, 11 March 1819

To James P. Preston

Monticello Mar. 11. 19


I yesterday recieved your favor of Feb. 27. covering the appointment of the 13th of the same month with which you have been pleased to honor me as a Visitor of the University of Virginia. impressed with the important effect which well conducted education will produce on the character and happiness of my native state, and ambitious for it’s reputation and prosperity,1 I accept the charge willingly, and will endeavor to supply by zeal the defects of which I am sensible in the high qualifications required by an institution of such future augury. I pray you to accept the assurance of my highest respect and esteem.

Th: Jefferson

RC (Vi: RG 3, Governor’s Office, Executive Papers); hole in manuscript and edge chipped, with missing text supplied from PoC; addressed (torn): “[His Exc]ellency James P. Preston Governor of Virginia Richmond”; franked; postmark torn; endorsed by Preston as TJ’s “acceptance of the appt of Visitor of the University,” received 16 Mar. 1819. PoC (ViW: TC-JP); on verso of reused address cover of Joseph Milligan to TJ, 25 Dec. 1818; endorsed by TJ.

1Manuscript: “properity.”

Index Entries

  • education; in Va. search
  • education; TJ on search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; education search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Public Service; appointed to University of Virginia Board of Visitors search
  • Preston, James Patton; and University of Virginia search
  • Preston, James Patton; letters to search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; members of search
  • Virginia; and education search