Thomas Jefferson Papers

Fontaine Maury to Thomas Jefferson, 14 February 1819

From Fontaine Maury

Washington Feby 14. 1819

Dear Sir

I have lately imported from England a small quantity of Talevera Wheat, which was procured by a particular Friend of my Brothers from the Farm of Sir Watkins Williams Wynne of Wynnstay, Wales, who is estimated to be one of the most celebrated aggriculturists in that Country, and as you, at least, have the reputation of being a zealous promoter of that Science, in this, I have taken the liberty to transmit to you for trial a small portion1 of what I have remaining—you also have a description of its properties, to which I am told may be added the favorable circumstance of its maturing ten or fifteen days earlier than most other Wheats—My Brother James in a late Letter speaks of you with his usual interest; and has directed his son Matthew to make you a call before he leaves this Country, which I have also2 desired him to do—with my sincere wishes for your health and happiness, I remain your mo: obt humble Servant

Fontaine Maury

RC (CSmH: JF-BA); endorsed by TJ as received 18 Feb. 1819 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Fernagus De Gelone, 4 Feb. 1820, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqre Milton Virginia”; franked; postmarked Washington, 15 Feb.

On this day Maury sent a similar letter, wheat samples, and enclosure to James Madison (Madison, Papers, Retirement Ser., 1:416).

1Manuscript: “portition.”

2Word interlined.

Index Entries

  • Great Britain; wheat in search
  • Madison, James (1751–1836); and Talavera wheat search
  • Maury, Fontaine; family of search
  • Maury, Fontaine; letters from search
  • Maury, Fontaine; sends wheat samples search
  • Maury, James (1746–1840); family of search
  • Maury, James (1746–1840); friend of TJ search
  • Maury, Matthew (1800–77); visits Monticello search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Maury, Matthew search
  • wheat; as crop search
  • wheat; Talavera search
  • Wynn, Sir Watkins Williams; and Talavera wheat search