Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Jones, 27 January 1819
To Joseph Jones
Monticello Jan. 27. 19.
I wrote on the 15th inst. in answer to your obliging favor of the 8th since which that of the 18th has come to hand. in consequence thereof I have this day written to mr Mallory Collector of Norfolk, to pray him (if the rules of office permit) to enter and pay the charges & duties on my articles at Norfolk and to forward them direct to Richmond. I have taken the liberty of saying you would [i]mmediately forward to him the bills of lading, which I n[ow re]quest you to have the goodness to do and to accept my tha[nks for] the kind trouble you have taken with the assurance [of] my great esteem & respect.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC); on a reused blank sheet with a seal tear; at foot of text: “Joseph Jones esq.”; endorsed by TJ.