Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, 25 January 1819
From Edmund Bacon
25th Jany 1819.
Deare Sir.
It is some what possoble that I may1 moove the comeing fall to the west. the certainty of my mooveing intirely depends upon an answer to a letter from me to my brothers which letter I have expected to recieve before now. should I moove I shall be Obliged to have a small waggon of some what the Kind of your old markit waggon and as I should be obliged to have it made and the time is not even at this time too soon to see whare I can have it done should it be wanting I have concluded that perhaps it might soot you to let your workmen make it or perhaps it may soot you to sell me the one you have I mean the old markit waggon
E: Bacon
RC (ViU: TJP-ER); dateline adjacent to closing; idiosyncratic punctuation editorially omitted; addressed: “Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ; additional notation by TJ beneath endorsement: “market waggon”; with apparently unrelated calculations in pencil on verso, possibly in TJ’s hand.
1. Bacon here canceled “still.”