Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Gulian C. Verplanck, 24 January 1819

To Gulian C. Verplanck

Monticello Jan. 24. 19.

Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr Verplank, and his thanks for the Anniversary discourse before the Historical society of New York, which he has recieved and read with pleasure. it is a work of much erudition & research, with the high merit of bringing it into moderate compass, a merit so rare, and yet so valuable to the reader. with his acknolegements for this mark of attention, he prays mr Verplank to accept his respectful salutations.

RC (CSmH: JF); dateline beneath closing; erased phrase at foot of text in an unidentified hand: “My dear.” PoC (MHi); on reused blank sheet with a wax seal; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • An Anniversary Discourse, delivered before The New-York Historical Society, December 7, 1818 (G. C. Verplanck) search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • New-York Historical Society; addresses to search
  • Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin; An Anniversary Discourse, delivered before The New-York Historical Society, December 7, 1818 search
  • Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin; letter to search