Elisabetta Mazzei Pini and Andrea Pini to Thomas Jefferson, 21 December 1818
From Elisabetta Mazzei Pini and Andrea Pini
Il 21. Xbre 1818.
Dal Sigr Console Appleton ci fu rimesso una di Lei1 Obligazione2 Col contegio esatto delle Somme a noi mandate come pure ci fa conoscere La Somma Capitale3 che trovassi attualmente4 nelle di lei mani Dal medemo Sigr Appleton ci fu significato che annesso a questa’ obligazione vi dovevano essere Cambiali per la Somma di 445. Dollars e 66. Centesimi componente l’interessi dell’Anno 1818—Queste Cambiali non sono state trovate5 dal Sigr Appleton incluse nel di Lei Plico per conseguenza si crede che possino essere perdute. La preghiamo dunque gentilissimo Sigre di degnarsi prendere in considerazione questa circostanza e spedirci delle nuove Cambiali per poter ritirare questa somma Inoltre la supplichiamo di accordarci il favore facendo delle altre rimesse, di dirigersi a qualche Banchiere di Livorno che si averebe il vantagio d’essere piu solecitamente pagati. Nell renderle infinite grazie di tante sue bontà abiamo l’onore di confermarci con tutto il rispetto
Editors’ Translation
21. December 1818.
Mr. Consul Appleton sent us a letter from you with the exact reckoning of the sums you had remitted to us as well as informing us of the balance of the principal that was actually in your hands. The same Mr. Appleton informed us that bills of exchange for 445 dollars and 66 cents, constituting the interest for the year 1818, should be attached to this letter. Mr. Appleton did not find them in your envelope; consequently it is believed that they may be lost. Therefore, dearest Sir, we beg you to deign to consider this circumstance and send new bills of exchange, so that we can collect this money. Moreover, for the other payments we beg you to favor us by directing them to a banker in Leghorn, which would help us to be paid more promptly. In sending you infinite thanks for all your kindnesses, we have the honor of confirming all our respect for you
Dft (ItPi: AFM); in Andrea Pini’s hand; endorsed: “Al Sigr Jefferson.” Translation by Dr. Jonathan T. Hine. Not recorded in SJL and probably never received by TJ.
1. Preceding two words interlined.
2. Keyed to this point with dashes is Andrea Pini’s note in left margin: “del 5. aprile 1818” (“that of 5. April 1818”). TJ’s letter to Thomas Appleton was actually dated 4 Apr. 1818.
3. Reworked from “Somma totale” (“full amount”).
4. Order of preceding two words reversed in manuscript, with Andrea Pini indicating that they should be changed to current reading by adding numbers one and two above them.
5. Preceding three words interlined in place of “essendo a noi pervenute” (“having been received by us”).
Index Entries
- Appleton, Thomas; and P. Mazzei’s estate search
- Italian language; letters in, from; A. Pini search
- Italian language; letters in, from; E. M. Pini search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to P. Mazzei search
- Pini, Andrea Tozzi (Elisabetta Mazzei Pini’s husband); and P. Mazzei’s estate search
- Pini, Andrea Tozzi (Elisabetta Mazzei Pini’s husband); letter from search
- Pini, Elisabetta Mazzei (Philip Mazzei’s daughter; Andrea Pini’s wife); and P. Mazzei’s estate search
- Pini, Elisabetta Mazzei (Philip Mazzei’s daughter; Andrea Pini’s wife); letters from search
- women; letters from; E. M. Pini search