Thomas Jefferson Papers

Craven Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 26 November 1818

From Craven Peyton

Monteagle Nor 26.1 1818

Dear Sir

My Son delivared Your reply to my Note Yestarday offaring to sell some Negroes if there was a positive necessity for my haveing the money. I was garded with Mr Smith in the bargain, that if it was not convenient to advance the Money Monday Next it was not a bargain. I have Your Convenience And ease more at hart then all the proparty On earth. And beg You will Not think of a sale, I will again try & borrow, the money that I may be short of.2 the Negroes I baught is the greatest bargain I have heard of And woud now in the uppar counties command $4,000. More then the sum I am to give

with the greatest esteem

C. Peyton.

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 26 Nov. 1818 and so recorded in SJL.

TJ’s missing reply to Peyton of 25 Nov. 1818 is not recorded in SJL. Peyton’s prior note of 25 Nov. 1818, also not found, is recorded in SJL as received from Monteagle the same day.

1Reworked from “25.”

2Omitted period at right margin editorially supplied.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with C. Peyton search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; buys and sells slaves search
  • Peyton, Craven; account with TJ search
  • Peyton, Craven; letters from search
  • Peyton, Craven; letters from accounted for search
  • Peyton, Craven; letters to accounted for search
  • Peyton, Craven; slaves of search
  • slaves; C. Peyton’s search
  • slaves; TJ sells search
  • Smith, Mr. (of Virginia); C. Peyton bargains with search