Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 11 November 1818

To John Barnes

Monticello Nov. 11. 18.

Dear Sir

I take up my pen merely to answer the kind anxiety you are so good as to express in yours of the 17th Oct. respecting my health. I am recovering steadily but have not yet got out of doors; but I think within a very few days I shall be able to get on my horse, to me the most sovereign of all Doctors. Affectionately Adieu.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of John H. Hall to TJ, 15 July 1818; at foot of text: “Mr Barnes”; endorsed by TJ. Tr (MHi); with Tr of enclosure to John Barnes to TJ, [30] Nov. 1818, on verso.

Index Entries

  • Barnes, John; and TJ’s health search
  • Barnes, John; letters to search
  • horses; TJ rides search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; illness of search