Thomas Jefferson Papers

Honoré Julien to Thomas Jefferson, 14 October 1818

From Honoré Julien

washington Octobre Le 14 1818


jais eu Lhoneur de Recevoir votre Letre en Date du 6—justant qui maprend que vous navez pas Recut qui Contient Le fromagé et Les graines que je vous Envoie .…. et en voila La Cause Cest que jesperois vous La faire parvenir par La Ligne des Stages—mais Les Stage najant pas voulut Sen Chargé Cest Ce qui a Causé Le Retard—jais prié une personne qui Etoit a washington et qui Demeure a Richmond de vouloir Bien Se chargé de La Boite Esperant quell vous parviendrois plutot mais jais Recus une Letre de cette personn[e] [e]n date du 5o1 qui me Dit quil na pas Encore trouvé Les mojens de vous La faire parvenir

cest avec peine que japrend que vous avez Eté indispose2 mais jespere que La presente vous trouvera parfaitment—en Bonne Santé—Cest Ce que je Desire—: et Suis avec Respect et Consideration

honoré julien

Mr Brunet Confectioner near the New theatre Richmond took Charge of the Box—and if you have not Received it—you might perhaps—find Some opportunity to have it Conveyed to you

h. j.

Editors’ Translation

Washington October 14, 1818


I had the honor of receiving your letter dated the 6th, informing me that you have not received the cheese and seeds that I sent you .…. The reason is that I hoped to have them delivered to you by the stage line, but the stage would not take charge of it. That caused the delay. I asked a person who was in Washington and who lives in Richmond to be kind enough to take the box, hoping that it would reach you sooner, but I received a letter dated the 5th from that person telling me that he had not yet found a way to have it delivered to you

I am sad to learn that you have been ill, but I hope that the present letter will find you in perfect health. This is my wish, and I am with respect and consideration

honoré julien

Mr Brunet Confectioner near the New theatre Richmond took Charge of the Box—and if you have not Received it—you might perhaps—find Some opportunity to have it Conveyed to you

h. j.

RC (DLC); edge trimmed and chipped; ellipsis in original; endorsed by TJ as received 22 Oct. 1818 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to James Oldham, 1 Jan. 1819, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqre Monticello”; franked; postmarked Washington, 15 Oct. Translation by Dr. Roland H. Simon.

1Preceding four words added in left margin.

2Manuscript: “jndespose.”

Index Entries

  • Brunett, John B.; and package for TJ search
  • cheese; Swiss search
  • food; cheese search
  • French language; letters in, from; H. Julien search
  • Julien, Honoré; letters from search
  • Julien, Honoré; sends gifts to TJ search
  • seeds; sent to TJ search