Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 17 September 1818

To James Monroe

Sep. 17. 18.

Th:J. to the President

I thank you, dear Sir, for the opportunity of perusing the inclosed, which I return without delay. it looks well, and when they know the whole of the affair of Pensacola, I have no doubt they will withdraw all idea of intermedling between Spain & us. I1 trust we shall be able to avoid entanglement with the European alliance. we may let them alone for they cannot2 conquer the S. Americans.

My health is improving; but I cannot yet set erect in a chair, nor do not soon expect to be able to get on horseback. I salute with affectte frdship

RC (DLC: Monroe Papers); dateline at foot of text; addressed: “The President of the US Highland”; endorsed by Monroe, with additional endorsement and summary of letter in two different, unidentified hands. Not recorded in SJL. Enclosure: enclosure to Monroe to TJ, 17 Sept. 1818.

1TJ here canceled “think.”

2Manuscript: “canot.”

Index Entries

  • horses; TJ rides search
  • Jackson, Andrew; Pensacola seized by search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; illness of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; European affairs search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; revolutions in Spanish colonies search
  • Monroe, James; forwards correspondence to TJ search
  • Monroe, James; letters to search
  • Pensacola, W. Fla.; seized by A. Jackson search
  • South America; and European powers search
  • South America; TJ on independence movement in search
  • Spain; and U.S. search
  • United States; and Spain search