Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 9 September 1818

From James Monroe

Sepr 9. 1818.

Dear Sir

Sometime ago you intimated to me a desire to dispose of a small tract of land, which you have between mr Alexanders & my land lying below the Blenhims tract. As this is detatched from your other lands, it is probable, that you may still be desirous of parting from it, and that it may fall into other hands, [which I should regret] without an arrangment between us. If my impression is correct, and we can agree, I shall be glad to become the purchaser, with which view I will thank you to state the price pr acre. I shall be able to make the payment in Jany next, or sooner if desir’d.

I hope that your health improves. If I can be, in any manner, useful to you, in the affairs of the College, during your confinement, I beg you to command me.

with great respect & regard your friend & servant

James Monroe

I have finally decided to call my place here “Highland”

RC (DLC); dateline adjacent to signature; brackets in original; endorsed by TJ as received 10 Sept. 1818 from Highland and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Alexander, Eli; lands of search
  • Blenheim Mountain (Albemarle Co.) search
  • Central College; plan for search
  • Highland (J. Monroe’s Albemarle Co. estate); naming of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sale of Albemarle Co. land proposed search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; illness of search
  • Monroe, James; and TJ’s land search
  • Monroe, James; letters from search
  • Monroe, James; names Highland estate search