Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Eston Randolph, 2 July 1818

To Thomas Eston Randolph

Monticello July 2. 18.

Dear Sir

Your’s of yesterday was recieved last night. you need take no trouble about the flour balance, till you have it of your own; and as to the damaged 27. barrels I mean to bear my own part of that misfortune, so that you have nothing to make up on that account. I set out tomorrow for Bedford & shall be back by the 20th. mr Bacon will be starting about that time for Missouri, and will want some money from me; so that it is possible that the money balance may be a convenience then, unless mr Bacon should think it safer to take with him a note payable in bank, rather than the cash itself.   I went to the mill this morning with a view to advise with Powers1 & mr Colclaser what is to be done in the inside [of?] the mill. but mr Colclaser was absent. I have therefore desired mr Bacon to go with mr Colclaser & Powers thro the mill, and decide what is necessary to be done, & whatever can be done by Powers & Davy they are to go on with: but what requires a greater force can be done only after harvest; but it may begin the day after the people are discharged from the harvest field. by that time however I shall be back.   I salute you with affection & respect

Th: Jeffer[son]

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Thomas Cooper to TJ, 19 Apr. 1818; torn at seal; signature faint; at foot of text: “T. E. Randolph esq.”; endorsed by TJ.

1Manuscript: “Power,” here and below.

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Edmund; plans to move west search
  • Colclaser, Daniel; as miller search
  • Davy (TJ’s slave; b.1785); and Shadwell mills search
  • flour; as rent search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ plans visits to search
  • Powers, Larkin; as carpenter for TJ search
  • Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); and Shadwell mills search
  • Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); letters to search
  • Shadwell mills; flour from search
  • Shadwell mills; improvements to search